44 Years in Business
A Fleet of 55 Trucks
Those numbers are both impressive and staggering! But, then again, if you knew the family and the company behind them – Ice Cream Wagon in Commerce City, CO – their determination, business acumen and adaptability, you wouldn’t be surprised.
“Not just buying ice cream, creating a memory” is the slogan on Ice Cream Wagon’s website. The original owners from Italy – Joe and Vince – along with their sons, Johnny, Fausto, and Antonio and son-in-law, Paul have created memories for not only their families, drivers, staff, and vendors, but also their hundreds of customers.
Johnny shared with me the first memory of his father, his uncles and grandpa coming to America from Italy in the ‘50’s when they started a mobile vending business. Long story short, some relatives moved back to Italy, while others returned, like Joe and Vince who founded the company in 1978.
“They built custom-made carts and when we were all young, we pushed them. Then, when we were old enough, we drove the ice cream trucks. There was a running joke in our family back then about child labor laws.”
The memories continue with what has helped the company survive and thrive throughout the years. Johnny states, “We are consistent in our hard work. We put our nose to the grindstone for a solid six months +. We are there day in, day out to keep the company moving forward. Nothing happens without this ingredient.” Sound business advice, Johnny.
Recent memories of COVID were shared. According to Johnny, “COVID was interesting for us. We followed all of the COVID guidelines and didn’t skip a beat. We did lose some drivers however, luckily. we received an influx of students, especially out-of-work musicians. We managed to build a crew of aspiring musicians. That never happened before.”
But by far, THE all-time best memories are of the kids. Johnny shared, “Kids call the office and send us letters and ask ‘When will your truck be on my street?’ When we get requests like that, it’s awesome. Our drivers come back to our office and share the kids’ comments about the joy they bring to their neighborhoods.”
Big kids have fond memories too, like the Denver Broncos who enjoyed a refreshing treat during their football camp and the Delta Airlines’ and Lockheed Martin’s employees, just to name a few of their corporate accounts.
The company sells a selection of frozen treats from Good Humor, Klondike, Popsicle, Rosati Ice, and Rich’s Ice Cream. Johnny states, “Our menu hovers around 15 items or so. We have found this to be an effective number giving the customers plenty to choose from.”
Another fond memory is meeting Rich Trotter, President, Rosati Ice, at the annual convention. When they first started carrying Rosati Italian Ice, “we just put it on our trucks. We didn’t have any massive campaign. Our trucks are our campaign,” declares Johnny.
Ice Cream Wagon’s trucks carry Rosati’s dairy-free, nut-free, Italian Ice in 10-ounce cups in lemon lime and 6-ounce Crybaby cherry and “they fly off the trucks. Over the years, we have tried different flavors, but these are the best ones for our market. We really do like the Rosati Italian Ice product and we, as well as our customers, would hate to see our menu without it.” You got that right, Johnny!
There are memories in the chorus music too that is played on their trucks. Customers recognize their trucks by the tune – “Red Wing.” Over the years, they have received so many questions about the jingle that its history is posted on their web site. It’s an intriguing story and worth checking out.
The families and teams at 110-year-old Rosati Ice and 44-year-old Ice Cream Wagon will certainly create more memories and undoubtedly adapt to more challenges. Chime on!
Ice Cream Wagon
6801 Colorado Blvd.
Commerce City, CO 80022
Email: Icw@icecreamwagon.com
While Rosati Ice’s (suburban Philadelphia, PA) and Miky’s Ice & Ice Cream’s corporate offices (El Paso, TX) are separated by thousands of miles, these family-owned companies share similar humble beginnings and father-son partnering.
First off, both companies started in homes and, as demand grew and more space was needed, they built their offices and warehouses. Next, as the owners’ sons attended high school, the teenagers worked part-time and joined their fathers full-time upon graduation. Sean Trotter, son of Rich Trotter, President of Rosati Ice, heads up the school side of the business. Whereas, Miquel Castillo, eldest son of owner, Demetrio Castillo, manages the block ice and bagged ice component of their business.
According to their Facebook home page, Miky’s Ice & Ice Cream is a “wholesale ice cream and concession company committed to providing the most affordable and quality products.”
Miguel shared the company’s history with me. His dad worked at a factory and in his time off he “did ice cream.” In 2000, his dad was laid off because his employer moved their operations to Mexico. Already knowledgeable of the ice cream industry, Demetrio devoted ALL of his time to his new company when Miguel was only ten years old.
“Dad bought an ice cream truck, then another one and employed his father-in-law as his second employee. In 2002, he had four trucks in his backyard, all he could fit. Dad had to buy the lot he’s in now. Later, he bought two more lots and expanded to 15 trucks in 2011.”
When asked about the origins of the company name, Miguel reminisced, “I’m the eldest of three kids, so maybe from my name. But possibly it’s from the drawings of Mickey Mouse on the trucks. Not sure which came first.”
Like other mobile vendors, COVID impacted their business. On the positive side, “the first year of COVID – with people being home more – sales were in the thousands, versus a typical day’s sales of $400. We downsized to eight trucks, as no one is interested in vending. Seems to be the cycle,” states Miguel.
As for the negative COVID effects, product shortages affected their sales and, as usual, they became resourceful. Miguel states, “Because we are located in a border town, we got good at exporting ice cream. Prices held steady up until this year.”
One product they are never short of is dairy-free, nut-free, refreshing Rosati Italian Ice. “I’ve known Rosati Ice as a teenager due to crybaby.” Farmers Select was selling Rosati Ice in the 90’s and 2000’s and business grew due to adding this new novelty item. “We’ve been buying Rosati Ice for at least 15 years, could be 20.”
For this season, they have 6-ounce cups of rosy’moji (cotton candy/blue raz), crybaby cherry, crybaby watermelon and 10-ounce cups of cherry, coconut, lemon lime, mango, and patriot selling on their trucks.
Everyone has their favorite Rosati flavor. For Miguel, his dad, and their adult customers, it’s mango. (And mine too!) “The kids love Rosati’s crybaby and rosy ‘moji.”
Finally, before the country shut down due to COVID in March 2020, Rich Trotter traveled to Texas and shared quality time with Demetrio and Miguel. Rich concludes, “The Castillos are a hard-working family, and they are great to work with.” And the generational bond continues!
Miky’s Ice & Ice Cream
120 Walker Street
El Paso, TX 79905
Luke Bryan’s “Most People Are Good” song is playing as I write this and it’s so appropriate for this close-knit, hard-working family’s story. Because, yes indeed, Tina Turner, together with her husband, Timothy, and their two teenage children, Tyrrione and Tyvon, are more than good!
Both Tina and Timothy worked for their home state of Louisiana, but always had an itch to start a business. They were looking for something, but not sure what. Situations arose again and again that led them to their current destination.
The journey to their current scoop stand and mobile vending business started in 2008 with a trip to New York. While there, Tina and Timothy tasted Italian Ice, which was not well known in their hometown of Baton Rouge, LA. Tina recalls, “Everyone liked it and we had others try it too.”
Then, they helped at their children’s school’s fundraisers by selling snow cones. Their interest was piqued further when someone asked “Have you ever heard of Italian ice?” This dairy-free, nut-free, frozen novelty was different than snow cones, so they purchased 2.5-gallon buckets from another vendor.
The couple officially started their business in 2010 with “cooler buckets from a local guy,” recalls Tina. In 2014 they bought a cart and bread truck from a man who was closing his business in Alexander, LA. Another sign of what was meant to be? Divine intervention? “Definitely,” when I asked Tina.
The rep informed Tina he had the Rosati brand and “We became hooked ever since. We tried three brands of Italian ices, but we knew immediately Rosati was gonna be our pick”. (I’ve heard this sentiment numerous times over the years from Rosati’s other distributors).
Tina continues, “Rosati Ice is on a totally different level, different texture and true flavors.” BTW, her favorite flavors are mango and lime.
Their mobile vending business was about to expand to brick and mortar. A building nearby was going to be torn down by the former owner, “a Christian man,” Tina states. “We left him notes that we wanted to rent the building. In 2020, we bought the building and opened up Ty-Ty’s Italian Ice & Concessions in 2021.”
In the beginning, the couple desperately wanted Rosati Italian Ice, but there were no local distributors who sold it. Determined, “we put freezers on the back of our truck and drove four hours to Houston to pick up Rosati’s tubs from Southern Ice Cream. Next, we met their driver halfway to get Rosati Ice.” After working on the logistics, the Rosati team now deliveries 2.5-gallon tubs of refreshing Italian Ice directly to their warehouse.
Tina and her family couldn’t have been happier. “We felt a part of the Rosati family when we first contacted them.” And their customers feel like they are a part of the Turner family. “Families meet up at our stand. It’s been amazing!”
Fun is the Flavor of the Day. Every Day.
Ty-Ty’s Italian Ice & Concessions carries Rosati Ice in traditional flavors like blue raz, cherry, lemon, lime, mango, strawberry, and watermelon. And there’s more – American Hero (strawberry lemonade), bubble gum, classic rainbow (cherry, lime, blue raz), cotton candy, crybaby rainbow (sour cherry, sour blue raz, sour apple), cry baby apple, passion fruit, pina colada, pineapple, root beer, sugar-free cherry, sugar-free lemon, and tropical rainbow (cherry, lime, pineapple). What a selection!
The stand’s top selling flavor is Crybaby rainbow. But Tina and her crew didn’t leave it up to Rosati to mix the flavors to create a colorful, flavorful treat. They have mixed every combination imaginable – pina colada, cotton candy and mango, for example. They are legendary for their multiple flavors colorfully scooped together so most customers simply say “Make me a surprise of the day.” Personally, I love the Rosati Ice combination where the colors in the clear cup matched their customer’s nails!! And why not? Fun is the flavor of the day. Every day!
Family is paramount in every aspect of the business. For example, the name Ty-Ty’s is derived from Tyrrione, her daughter’s name and Tyvon, her son’s name. “We started the business for our children, something they can do at a young age, like greet customers and hand out napkins. Our children feel like it’s their business.”
There’s that Luke Bryan song again, “….most Mama’s oughta qualify for sainthood.” (I nominate Tina.)
Luke summed it all up, ”I believe most people are good.” Amen! And thanks to Tina and her remarkable family for being a part of the Rosati Ice family.
Ty-Ty’s Italian Ice & Concessions
We Chill All Occasions
10064 Florida Blvd., Baton Rouge, LA 70815
Think about this. If you owned a food manufacturing company and wanted to launch a new product across the country, who would you contact to design your packaging and point-of-sale (POS) materials? A start-up design firm? A general marketing company? Or a graphic designer with decades of experience in the food industry?
Well, for Rich Trotter, President, Rosati Ice, he chose the latter and together with his Rosati customers, they are grateful he reached out to Ed Fenimore, owner, Macadoodle, Inc – a Graphic Design and Product Development Company in suburban Philadelphia.
Their relationship began with a simple question. Decades ago, Rich was on a sales trip in southern Florida and with his likeable, charming approach – and his samples of Rosati’s Italian ice cups – he walked into an ice cream wholesaler’s office and asked, ‘What’s new in kids’ novelties?’ Without hesitation, the man said, ‘Cry Baby® Extra Sour Bubble Gum’. To Rich, these words were comparable to the word “plastics” in the movie The Graduate. The addition of Cry Baby® Extra Sour flavor helped Rich take Rosati’s full flavor, refreshing Italian Ice across the country for the FIRST time.
Ed grew up in the food industry because his grandfather and father founded SWELL® – Philadelphia Chewing Gum Corporation and were known for their trademarked Swell® bubble gum and El Bubble® bubble gum cigars. The company started making the rubber gum base in their Germantown plant in 1946 to supply the many bubble gum manufacturers across the United States. As business increased, they found it necessary to expand and moved to Havertown in 1948 to begin their production of a full line of bubble gum and dextrose pressed candies. In the early 90’s, they launched Cry Baby® Extra Sour Bubble Gum.
You’ve heard the expression; “some folks can’t walk and chew gum at the same time.” For people chewing this new flavor sensation, Ed recommended, “Don’t chew while you are driving.” He recalled one customer who didn’t listen to this advice and then admitted to pulling over in their car to chew the gum as it was SO sour. As for another customer, “His eyes did backflips!”
Upon returning from his trip to Florida, Rich reached out to Ed and his dad. Ed fondly recalls, “Rich and my dad are cut from the same cloth. By the time the sales meeting was over, both Rich and my dad had tongues brightened with the many Rosati Water Ice flavors. We ended up licensing the Cry Baby® name to Rich at about the same time he bought Rosati from the former owners.”
Twenty-five years ago, Rosati Ice’s Cry Baby® flavors accounted for 95% of summer sales and helped Rich get his foot in the door at schools throughout the country. Currently, Cry Baby® is the number ONE selling Rosati Ice flavor.
Throughout his tenure, Ed oversaw his family firm’s graphic design department. When the company’s customer base drastically shrunk, the company was sold. Armed with an impressive portfolio of nationally known product packaging designs, Ed started his company Macadoodle, Inc in February 2006. His designs are bold, colorful, fun, and entice customers to buy the products.
According to Ed, “Rich has a great eye for what he’s looking for. He can see a raw concept and mentally take it to the finished product. He’s a great partner to work with.” This sentiment is mutual for Rich too.
Rosati’s customers rave about the design of the POS materials, especially the decals that adorn ice cream trucks selling Rosati Ice’s dairy-free, fat-free 6-ounce and 10-ounce Italian ice cups, from coast to coast.
While there may be 100+ SKUs of Rosati Italian Ice, there is only one Ed Fenimore and his signature design styles are evident in Rosati Ice’s packaging, banners, signs, flavor boards, decals, posters, brochures, stickers, and t-shirts. Over the last 20 years, Ed has spruced up and modernized the Rosati rose logo and today it remains the symbol of American’s First and the World’s Best Italian ice.
Ed Fenimore
Email: macadoodleinc@gmail.com
Phone: 610-506-8974
“One door closes and another one opens.” That scenario came true for Rosati Ice’s newest distributor, Bill Foley, owner, Kansas City Ice Cream Company. In 1988, his job at Frosty Treats ended and he decided to start a mobile vending company. Previously, he managed a country club and sold real estate, so he was prepared to be a new business owner.
For the past 25 years, Kansas City Ice Cream Company has been a master Blue Bunny distributor offering their popular ice cream cups, bars, sundaes, and cones on their trucks. But in 2020, COVID changed that relationship and their supplier drastically reduced their product mix. A (freezer) door closed, but not for long. Unable to receive enough variety of frozen treats to keep their trucks stocked, Bill Foley, along with his wife, Deb, knew about Rosati Ice and decided to purchase several pallets of Rosati’s 6-ounce and 10-ounce Italian ice cups.
There was an upside to COVID, however. “According to Deb, 2020 and 2021 were our two most profitable years in business. Everyone was home the first year of COVID and folks had tons of money the second year. Lots of people still work from home, so this year should be a good one too.”
“Our drivers love the rosy ‘moji (cotton candy blue raz) cups,” boasts Deb. “As for me, I like the mangoneada. Rosati Ice is like velvet. I adore it”! Their top selling Rosati Ice flavors are American Hero (strawberry lemonade), patriot (cherry, lemon, blue raz) and lemon. The Foleys discovered that Rosati Ice is an ideal menu addition to sell on their ice cream trucks for their customers that want a refreshing dairy-free, nut-free frozen treat.
For this season, they purchased American Hero (strawberry lemonade), cotton candy blue raz, patriot (cherry, lemon, blue raz), lemon, mangoneada, pina pineapple, tamarindo, tropical rainbow (cherry, lime, pineapple), and Crybaby cherry.
When asked how many trucks they have on the road, Deb answers “26.” And how does she quickly remember the number? “We name our trucks by letters of the alphabet,” Deb states. (What a great idea!)
Kansas City Ice Cream Company has sold ice cream treats and novelties – and, since 2020 Rosati Italian Ice – “from vans, mail trucks, pickups, rolling carts, concession trailers, and out of coolers” according to their web site. They also sell to area convenience stores and private schools.
To help grow their business and branch out into special events, the Foleys got affiliated with Ice Cream on Wheels. “It’s wonderful, states Deb. “They get all of the event details, and they bill for the event.”
With their “endless selection of sweet treats” (as promoted on their web site), the Foleys opened their doors to Rosati Ice. Rich Trotter, President, Rosati Ice, concludes “Bill & Deb Foley have been a pleasant and steady presence in the Kansas City region for decades. Not only are they astute business operators, they are open to new ideas and products that serve them and their customers well! We are grateful to have them as friends and Rosati Ice vendors”!
A Kansas City Tradition Since 1989
5300 Gardner Avenue
Kansas City, MO 64120
Rosati Ice supports the fundraising efforts of Holy-Myrrh-Bearers Ukrainian Catholic Church to help the people of Ukraine with a limited-edition flavor I Stand With Ukraine. Blue Raspberry and Lemonade water ice as a tribute to the Ukraine flag. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this product will be donated to Holy Myrrh-Bearers Ukrainian Catholic Church in support of their continued efforts on behalf of those affected in Ukraine. The limited edition I Stand With Ukraine Italian ice will also be available in all Jeff Brown ShopRite supermarkets, various ice cream scoop shops and mobile vending/ice cream trucks beginning May 1st, 2022. See photos of our event on Tuesday, May 3rd at 8:30 am at 900 Fairview Road, Swarthmore, PA.
Monetary Donations can be made to : HMB Church
Mailed to Holy Myrrh-Bearers Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church at the address above.
The name “Mobile” Ice Cream is very fitting for our long-time distributor friends in Ashland, VA for two reasons. First, Miklos “Miki” Jona’s company has 40 ice cream trucks (up from 7 trucks when the company was started in 2003) on the road delivering frozen treats to neighborhoods and offering them at special events, birthday parties and daycares. Thus, this family-owned company is categorized as a “mobile” vendor in the ice cream industry.
Second, Miki, his wife, Aniko Levai, and their two teenage sons live a “mobile” lifestyle traveling in their RV across the country. Not your average office. But then again, Miki is not your average business owner. First generation Hungarian immigrant Miklos, states, “When the pandemic started two years ago and our sons were home, we didn’t want them sitting around, so we decided to travel while they attended school virtually. And, boy, did they travel! From sea to shining sea. For example, they lived in California for six weeks and recently, they spent time in Arizona, and they will be “mobiling” to Niagara Falls this spring.
When Rich Trotter, President, Rosati Ice, and I chatted with Miklos, he and his family were in the Florida Keys (since mid-December) and Miki admitted, “My kids don’t want to leave.” I didn’t want to leave the zoom interview because his travel stories were so fascinating. During our visit, his sons -ages 11 and 13 – squealed with delight in the background; they just caught a grouper and wanted to share their catch with their father. Previously, they caught two different types of sharks. What wonderful life lessons! Rich and I will fondly remember the view we got on our zoom cameras and a proud dad sharing this special time with his sons … and with us.
I am always curious about the origins of Rosati’s customer relationships. Miki shared that previously he worked for Ron Bright, one of Rosati’s customers, and met Rich Trotter at a convention. “I purchased Italian ice from other companies, but Rosati’s is better. Like me, our customers like Rosati’s product quality and variety.” You got that right because Rosati Ice’s taste, texture and color is legendary with more than 200 SKUS from 4-ounce school cups to 2.5-gallon tubs for scoop shops. All made in a dairy-free, nut-free facility in suburban Philadelphia.
For last season, Miki brought in refreshing Rosati Ice’s 6-ounce cups in crybaby sour apple, crybaby sour cherry, rosy ‘moji, and lemon, along with 10-ounce cups of Rosati’s Italian Ice in cherry, cotton candy blue raz, crybaby sour apple, mango, and watermelon
“Miki claims “We sold out of all our Rosati Italian Ice inventory.” And why not, when Rosati Ice is America’s first and the World’s best Italian ice!
For this season, Miki plans to add Rosati’s mangoneada cups to his menu for his huge Hispanic market. After all the challenges of the last two years, Miki is optimistic and says “Hopefully, it will be a good season.”
Not only do Miki’s sons attend school remotely but he and his office manager, Kristen Allen, work remotely as well. “Kristen is the glue that holds it all together. She’s great”, boasts Miki. Miki is not the only entrepreneur in the family. Aniko, his multi-talented, tech-savvy wife has her own successful business – placeofmytaste.com – chock full of decorating ideas. Check out the photos of their festively decorated RV. So much creativity in one small space. And, in ONE family!
I was so blessed to witness these two fathers – and business owners – share their hopes and dreams for their children and their industry on the zoom interview. “You are living the life you want to live,” Rich concluded, and Miki cheerfully and proudly agreed. Happy trails to you, traveling man, your beloved family, and your awesome team.
11186 Hopson Road
Ashland, VA 23005
The title of Grateful Dead’s classic 70’s rock song, Truckin’, came to mind after my interview with Brian Collis, owner, Mr. Ding-a-Ling, one of Rosati’s longest mobile vending customers.
You see, Brian has been in the driver’s seat for more than four decades. The wheels started turning in high school when Brian saw an article in “Parade” magazine about Good Humor trucks. He saved the article and started working for a local company for two years.
When asked about his early beginnings, Brian’s brain revved up. “I purchased my first truck in Chicopee, MA and brought it to Albany, NY. It was the only truck in the area in 1974-1977. In 1979, I added three trucks, added 12 in 1989, 26 in 1999 and now I have 60 trucks all together. We became incorporated in 1991.”
Early on, Brian kicked the tires and sampled a few companies’ Italian ices before he decided what to carry on his trucks. While attending the IAICDV convention in the fall of 1998, Brian met Rich Trotter, President of Rosati Ice, and sampled the flavorful offerings. Rosati Ice quickly outsold a competitor’s brand tenfold. And, coupled with Rosati’s appealing packaging and graphics, Collis knew he’d have a winner.
To prepare for the season, Brian buys a truckload of dairy-free, nut-free, gluten-free Rosati Italian Ice: 10-ounce cups in crybaby sour apple, cotton candy/blue raz, watermelon, lemon, lemon lime, and mango; 5-ounce typhoon cone cups in blue raz lemonade; 6-ounce cups in crybaby sour cherry and yellow snow.
As a long-time business owner, I asked what he would advise folks today about starting a mobile vending business. Brian shares, “It’s a lot harder now. You need at least $3M to start. It’s less expensive to go into the wholesale business.”
Brian, along with his wife, Victoria, and their drivers were anything but asleep at the wheel this year. In fact, despite sales losses in most industries due to COVID, they experienced record sales. “Drivers told me they wish COVID would last 10 years. People were throwing money at them. Two years ago, it was a ghost town with folks away during the summer. Not this season, with people working from home.”
Of course, Brian and his crew have many wonderful memories, but this latest one is the winner.
Folks from the HBO series “Pretty Little Liars” contacted Collis as they wanted to film a scene with his truck in the background. While no actors ate any of the novelties live on the show, after the shoot people did enjoy some. Brian recalls, “We sat there for five hours with all of the cuts and retakes, the camera man was right in front of our van.” (How cool is that?!)
Rich’s and Brian’s mutual admiration and friendship is evident; Brian still has the letter Rich sent him in the late 90’s.
“Brian is one of my oldest friends in the business. In 1998, Brian brought Rosati Ice to Albany, NY, for the first time and, to this day, no fleet of trucks carry more Rosati items than Mr. Ding-A-Ling trucks. I am blessed to have Brian as a friend.”
Keep on truckin’ Brian, Victoria, and your team. Rosati Ice will be with you the entire ride!
Mr. Ding-a-Ling
324 Old Niskayuna Road
Latham, NY 12110
When I think of legendary brother and sister teams, I immediately think of Fred Astaire and his sister, Adele. (No, I’m not THAT old, I’m just a big fan of classic movies!). In the ice cream industry, there’s a brother and sister who have faithfully and passionately continued their dad’s legacy (a pioneer in the industry) with our long-time customer, County Wide Ice Cream Distributors – Lloyd “Jesse” Jose, and Lori Huether.
Let’s flashback to the 60’s. (I can still do the twist, can you?) Do you remember the days when the Good Humor man wore the impeccably pressed white uniform and proudly drove the – now iconic – Good Humor Truck…certainly a beloved piece of Americana? Well, that was H. Lloyd Jose, their dad.
His work ethic, coupled with his love of children and the business, repeatedly earned Lloyd the prestigious “Top Salesman of the Year” award. Consequently, Lloyd was promoted to District Manager, trained, and managed a large team of drivers. During those years, Lloyd’s, son, Jesse worked while on his summer breaks from school. Things were footloose and fancy-free until the 70’s.
Now, on to the 70’s (and my favorite decade, Disco dancing) and sadly, the end of an era; Good Humor discontinued their street vending segment, thus motivating Lloyd to start his ice cream distribution company in Holtsville, NY. His son, Jesse, joined in the mid ‘80’s and before his passing in 2007, Lloyd lovingly handed the business down to Jesse. Jesse worked side by side with Lloyd and became the new rock of the company as he continues to be today. The team was complete in 2010 when Lloyd’s daughter, Lori, joined her “big” brother. After all, it does take two to tango like Fred and Adele.
When asked how the pair first discovered Rosati Italian Ice, Jesse recalled that Rich Trotter, Rosati Ice President, met their dad at the annual ice cream convention decades ago. Lori admits “We have a loyal following with Rosati and hope to continue it. People are inquiring about healthier options,” she claims. Thus, Rosati Italian Ice’s popularity has increased since all 4-ounce, 6-ounce, 10-ounce cups, and 2.5-gallon tubs are made in a dairy-free, nut-free plant and all are gluten-free and made with natural sugar.
Jesse and Lori gladly shared why they and their customers like Rosati Italian Ice. “The consistency, it’s smoother than other brands. There is full flavor throughout. All of the flavors are really, really good.” Lori’s voice rose an octave when she proclaimed, “The chocolate is SO delicious! Using a blender, I create unique recipes with it.”
Just freeze one ice cube tray full of leftover coffee – either black or with milk. Then blend it up in the blender with one 10 oz Rosati Chocolate Italian Ice. Add milk until it’s a consistency like a nice milkshake. Add chocolate syrup if you want a sweeter drink, and whipped cream on top to make it an even “Rosier” Day!!
It’s quite the chorus line of what the pair buy from Rosati – 6-ounce cups in crybaby cherry, emoji, (Rosati’s two showstopper flavors) lemon, watermelon, and chocolate; 10-ounce cups in lemon lime, mango, sugar-free cherry, and sugar-free lemon; 2.5 gallon tubs in blue raz, cherry, chocolate, classic rainbow, lemon, pineapple, and watermelon (my fingers are tired from tapping all of these SKU’s on my keyboard)
This year due to COVID, they had to dance to a different tune and streamline their operations, wear many hats, and “kept expenses really, really low,” per Jesse. “We really can’t complain. We all had to figure it out. Our walk-up business grew with people pent up at home. Many people came in for the first time through word of mouth and didn’t realize we were here,” claimed Lori.
Although the business has changed throughout the years, Jesse, Lori, and the team at County Wide strive to provide the local community and Long Island establishments the highest quality products and personal, friendly service. We at Rosati Ice are kicking up our heels and look forward to growing our businesses together.
County Wide Ice Cream
1600-8 North Ocean Avenue
Holtsville, NY 11742
What motivates a person to start a business? Perhaps it’s a growing trend in the marketplace or an emerging need for a particular demographic. For Rosati’s industry friend and long-time distributor, Ed Bloomer, Founder, Premium Distributors, the motivation occurred out of necessity in 1985.
According to Ed. “I started Premium because Unilever needed a distributor. I was an Accounting Manager at Good Humor for seven years in New Jersey before I moved to Atlanta in 1984. Simultaneously, Ben & Jerry’s was coming to the market and the dairies did not want to distribute their products.”
So Premium was born January 1986 to offer national brands – Good Humor, Dove, Ben & Jerry’s, to name a few – to multiple channels of trade. It became a huge success! In fact, we couldn’t keep up with the demand.” Premium’s staff put Good Humor’s freezers in local convenience stores and, as they say, the rest is history.
Bloomer is proud to point out – and who wouldn’t be – “We started with two guys and two trucks and now have more than 100 employees and 44 trucks.”
While reflecting on his company’s success, Ed states, “Our success was due to hiring the right people – good, honest, hard-working people that took pride in their work. Honesty and integrity have been a critical component to our growth. You need to be reliable and do what you say. Reputation is everything.” Rich Trotter, President, Rosati Ice, wholeheartedly agrees. And me too!
When I asked him about his biggest challenges during COVID, he quickly responded “That’s a loaded question.” His business philosophies have been beneficial during these unprecedented times. “It went from extremes with product availability to employment. The PPE Program was beneficial. Our good reputation certainly sustained us. For example, our sales increased with CVS stores.”
“Treating your co-workers right and fairly pays huge dividends and results in longevity. We have 10 people at Premium for over 20 years and 15 more people here over 10 years. Not bad for consistency.”
Rich Trotter’s relationship with Ed Bloomer goes back two decades and he shares a unique bond with Ed, their sons have joined them in their legendary businesses. For Rich, Sean Trotter, heads up Rosati Ice school sales and, for Ed, his son, Collin, is also in sales.
Rosati’s car-cup-holder-friendly 6-ounce and 10-ounce cups
“Rosati Italian ice is very refreshing,” states Ed. This season, he ordered Rosati Ice in 6-ounce cups in yellow snow (yes, this IS the name), patriot ice (cherry, lemon and blue raz) and Rosati’s popular Crybaby flavors in sour cherry, sour watermelon, and sour apple. Plus, Rosati’s 10-ounce cups in tropical rainbow (cherry, lime, and pineapple), cherry, lemon, mangoneada, mango, coconut, and pina pineapple. That’s a lot of great flavor selections for Premium’s customers! Check out www.rosatiice.com for more flavors and sizes.
As a former small business owner, I couldn’t resist asking Ed what advice he would give someone wanting to start a business. “A new person starting out needs to have a passion for what they are doing and truly love what they do. I always say, ‘this is not only my job, it is my hobby.’ It is hard to find. The harder you work, the luckier you become. You have to be willing to take that chance, it may not work, but you will not know unless you try. You can always go back to getting a job.” Sound advice, Ed.
Ed reminisces “I loved Rosati’s cherry Italian ice when I was growing up.” Now, so do his customers. Thanks, Ed, and your team, for solidifying your relationship with Rosati Ice, America’s first and the world’s best dairy-free, nut-free, gluten-free frozen novelty.
330 Franklin Road, SE
Marietta, GA 30067